Family Law Appeal
Family Law Appeal
Family law appeals often get complicated quickly since family law cases tend to last many years, consist of multiple hearings, and multiple motions
What is a family law appeal?
Family law appeals can be used to challenge legal mistakes or legal issues surround topics such as alimony, equitable distribution of property, time-sharing and related family law issues.
A family law appeal isn’t all that different from other appeals except that the type of case varies. Family law appeals often get complicated quickly since family law cases tend to last many years, consist of multiple hearings, and multiple motions.
Another big problem with family law appeals is that they can often have jurisdictional issues at their heart. The Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA) has been adopted in all states, except Massachusetts, and governs interstate family law jurisdiction for child custody issue. It is common for parents to fight out these jurisdictional issues in the court and then further on appeal.
Because family law cases deal with a variety of equitable factors when deciding time-sharing, equitable distribution and alimony, an appeal must devote a lot of attention to how and why a judge ruled and whether or not the judge abused their discretion in their rulings. Family law cases often end up with multiple judges because of their long duration, so a family law case can seem disjointed and flip-flop as it proceeds. Family law appeals typically have extensive court records and require a thorough review in order to be successful.